Altina Non-Alc La Vie En Crisp Rose Bubbles 750ml
is a non-alcoholic sparkling wine built from natural ingredients and native Australian botanicals.A? Each ingredient is carefully chosen and expertly blended.A? The tasting experience is nuanced and layered.A? Delicious flavors build in complexity as you sip. We combine the ritual and theatre of wine with the discovery of new natural ingredients.
Drink La Vie En Rose and serve ice cold in a sparkling wine glass.
Pairs Perfectly with savoury foods such as brie cheese, ham, smoked salmon, chicken, asparagus or even sweeter foods like chocolate and raspberries. ALTINA La Vie En Rose is a versatile alcohol-free rose wine. It is not overly sweet.
Altina La Vie En Rose is a delicate and crisp rose style bubbles with notes of Hibiscus, native RosellaA? and Rose petals. The palete is balanced with vibrant Citrus undertones to deliver a natural acidity and a fine creamy texture.A? The finish is dry and refreshing with lingering flavours of tart Apple and Roses.
Key Ingredients:
Native Rosella, Pink Rose Petals, Hibiscus Flowers, sweet Orange peel, Cayenne Pepper.
A? What’s in the box:
1 x 750ml of ALTINA La Vie En Rose.
Why Choose Altina?
Altina is made in a new way, combining science and nature. The process starts with specially chosen air-dried botanicals that are cold steeped for 36 hours. Flavor is extracted while capturing the volatile aromas. This is done without the use of sugar syrup or alcohol, both of which can overpower delicate flavours and affect mouthfeel. Altina is then triple filtered to remove any impurities to maximise taste and visual clarity.
We recommend serving Altina ice cold in a sparkling wine glass. Shop Altina Non-Alc Wines
Need Help? Contact Us or Call 0419 583 386
Pickup Location: 21 Coppards Road, Moolap, VIC 3224
Marlisa –
Love the taste of this rose wine and will order again.