
Pure Vision Non-Alcoholic Shiraz and Chardonnay 2 x 750ml Bottles

$ 36.00 - $ 37.00


This non-alcoholic Shiraz & Chardonnay 2 x 750ml Bottles has been made with organically grown grapes from our vineyards in Virginia, South Australia. They have gently removed the alcohol to produce a contemporary, vibrant Shiraz with plum and berry flavours and a hint of oak. This wine contains less than 0.5% alcohol by volume, a level similarly found in most fruit juices. Glasses not included.A?

  • Suitable for Vegans
  • Natural & Native Ingredients
  • Made in Australia

Buy QuantityDiscountUnit Price
3 - 5$0.50$36.50
6 +$1.00$36.00
Pure Vision Non-Alcoholic Shiraz and Chardonnay 2 x 750ml Bottles$ 37.00
1x$ 37.00
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